This lady here is a very sweet spirit but she was extremely shy when she first came to me so I’ve worked with her a lot. Her name is Nadia and she is 29 years old and was 3 days shy of her 30th birthday. Nadia is a spirit just looking for a good home. She was raised in a small town and stayed her adult life. This town was all she knew and it was comfortable. Even though growing up there was alot of drama and issues amongst her and other people. Everyone seemed to be in everyone’s business. Anything you did wrong in someone’s eyes the whole town would be talking about it. You would get the evil eyes, the whispers and cold shoulder. When Nadia had a child out of wedlock she was the talk of the town for along time. They looked at her as a washed up women. They also never accepted the child and wanted the family out of the town. Nadia refused because this was home and she wanted her child to grow up where she did. Nadia was sure things would change but the town never gave up. They set Nadia’s home on fire. Although she isn’t happy she passed she is happy her daughter survived.