Nadia is a rather special spirit. She has helped so many friends of mine including myself. This is a spirit who strictly communicates with loved ones you have lost. She reminds me exactly of the movie Ghost. She has no concern for other spirits who in her opinion have useless messages. She wants connection between loved ones. Nadia has helped myself when I’ve been unsuccessful at communicating with someone I’ve lost. Nadia had always been into the other side. From a young child she was able to communicate with the dead. Her parents embraced her gift and actually encouraged her. She would end up taking them on many journeys because she felt it was her duty to help some of these spirits. Her parents went with the flow and mixed their whole life time to time. When they passed away Nadia refused to leave the home they died in. Their spirits were there and they never wanted to leave. Nadia took comfort in this. Finding someone to understand on the other hand proved to be complex. Nadia never married but she did have a child out of wedlock. The child had gifts like her which Nadia couldn’t wait to support her just like her parents did. Only the father put Nadia through hell to get custody. They deemed Nadia mentally insane and unstable. She was ordered to go in a home for help if she ever wanted to see her daughter again. Nadia thought it would be quick and easy and she could go on with her daughter....she never made it out of the mental institution.