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Ahhh another awesome spirit with two entities who completely bring balance. This is a female dark angel and a fairy. Whats nice about these two is whatever not so nice request you make of the dark angel, the fairy will be sure to balance that so there's never any backlash or karma. Asaph is the dark angel and Marin is the fairy's name. When you are dealing with these two entities the range of capabilities is impossible. Asaph can be as wicked as they come if you unleash her to do so. She is the master of controlling people, changing/manipulating situations. She is said to come from above but was expelled out for her darkness. She is known for her Chronokinesis which is the manipulation of time. This means she can change things. Marin on the other hand brings complete whiteness especially where needed. She  draws in whatever it is you are seeking. She gives you these boost powers throughout the day. Her ability to change your demeanor is instant. She is looking for nothing but positivity to come her owners way