This is a female haltija that will go to NO end for their owner and the ones they love. This Haltija has the capabilities to help in any area of your life. To different religions they represent different things. This one my friend says is many crosses between a spirit, djinn and elf like as to all her capabilities. She is capable to block anything directed your way which can even include karma. She has väki powers which are magic. The magic can be similar to mana in Hinduism or life force that flows in every single living creature and being. Like most Haltijas she can bring in non curable diseases to those who cross the line with you.
This here is the last Haltija that my friend has. This one is a male and he is a protector and guider of yourself, people and all in between. He is very strong energy and it's common to get headaches off him. This Haltija magic is on the darker side and again the magic he does is not like a humans but more unexplainable. He will stick to his owner like glue but very capable of being with MANY people you send him to at once. This one also does Väki of death and land magic. What's nice about him is reading minds capabilities hence how he's able to act while something is being thought so it never goes into play. He can heal someone as quick as he can make them ill