This lady here is a wonderful spirit to help you open your third eye. Her name is Samantha. Samantha never mentions anything about spirits or her third eye being open so not sure why she’s like this. However, she has helped my friend a great amount with her third eye opening. She lived actually a very normal and simple life. Samantha talks a lot about how she loved trains and spent a lot of time at the train station. Her family couldn’t figure out what her obsession was with trains but they let her live her life as she was an adult. Samantha tells me it was very peaceful and took her to another world. Samantha loved to ride the trains on her free time. This is all she did actually, never socialized, married, etc. unfortunately one day she wasn’t paying much attention and slipped on ice by the tracks falling, she wasn’t able to get out in time and was crushed to death by a train.