Savanah is a spirit who is going to give you feelings in your body if something is not right so pay close attention. In her human life she was an empath and by touching people she could instantly tell the type of person they were. She tells me majority of people have a very dark side that not many in their lives know about. Savanah probably went through 100 men before she found the “right one”, the one who was pure. They went on to have children and sadly lost one in the womb. Savanah liked to keep her family very isolated. The children were homeschooled and her husband went out for necessities. The children were raised to grow their own food and have their fun on the land. She did not trust many people and tells me I shouldn’t either. It seems Savanah’s oddness gained her an enemy in town. The man who killed her was sure she was a witch slowly killing him, yet she never practiced such thing in her whole lifw