Joan is such a fresh breath of air spirit. She is a very strong protector against all negative energies period hence why she chose the owl. I love this lady because she lets you know those who are negative energy be throw you off. She does also tell you the positive one which is just refreshing to know. Joan is 40 years old and died only 4 years ago from a rare form of cancer. She was married later in life at 37 and they had tried and tried for a baby with no success. They spent a lot of money they didn’t have for fertility treatments with no successes either. Little did she realize this would be a trickling effect. Not only did they go into major debt for being newlyweds but they started getting court cases filed against them. Being older but new to this kind of stress put a damper in the new marriage. They divorced sadly and this is right when Joan found out about a her cancer which allotted for a few months to live.