This spirit here brings you luck when you need it most. Her name is Sue and she is a women who is 39 year age women. Sue was raised by her father since her mother walked out of their life. She was very close to him. Right when she was about to leave for college he fell very ill and she held back. She tells me it was a few years before he passed away but she missed out on what should’ve been some of her golden years. When he did pass she had a hard time letting go of things. She stayed in the home but really struggled to keep it up financially especially now she had no degree or career. When the house was taken away she was devastated. She eventually moved in with some friends and started to go to school. She soon would meet her future husband. They married quickly so she never finished school. They waited to have children as they wanted to enjoy their time together. When they finally did have children it was the most joyous time. Sadly passed away during childbirth and never met her daughter.