Sunny is an older women who is a very weathered witch. She started her journey in her early childhood. Being raised by a mother who was oblivious to the world really gave her more freedom than someone her age should have. Sunny was bullied much of her childhood and that anger turned into curiosity which led down this road. She would go to bookstores and look up many different paths of life and one where she could seek revenge. Not wanting to sacrifice herself to satan she chose a witchy approach. Being young with no money she toyed around with witchcraft for many years. When she finally became and adult and gained financial stability is where things became intense. She had many unfortunate events play our in her life one was being married to a man who beat and constantly raped her. This is where she would learn the evil things she was capabale of. She also was a mother and had to be very careful with her work. She was what one called a closet witch. When she finally divorced things seems to get worse financially but in no time she was able to turn this around. Everyone wondered what it was she was doing. Her ex husband tried to convince law she was doing something illegal. After her kids were grown she was free to be who she truly was. Sunny from here on out remained a witch but not all things were about spells. Some were healing, cleansing and meditation. She ultimately was diagnosed with a brain tumor which she only lasted a few months from. She is a great witch for those who don’t want to put the work in.