This vessel here I have used once in a ritual where I needed to seek revenge on a specific person. She is super super intense and I will not take her out of this enclosure. Her name is Nyx and she is a super dark witch so should be worked by and experienced practitioner. This specific witch is just out to do all black magic, NO white. She works alone and enjoys being left alone. You bother her too much and you will begin feeling ill. Nyk can tell is older or was a heavy smoker, not too sure. I was able to gather she did practice her whole life starting from age 4 when her mother gave her no choice. After her mothers death some claimed she went insane. She moved far away and made sure her home was up on the hill so she could watch and not be watched. Once you go on her bad side you minus well count down the final day you will walk the earth. Some tested her out, others made fun of her and then some just didn't believe. She didn't miss one single person who said her name. Once people began to realize this they remained silent about her especially if visitors asked who's home sat in the hill. Out of sight, out of mind was the best answer. Her death she won't speak of