This lady here is a good one to carry around with you. She is a money/luck spirit and likes to keep our emotions at bay. Her name is Sydney and she was a middle class women who just had enormous luck in her side. She tells me at age 22 she won a lotto ticket which she bought a home and car with and traveled. She ended up moving to France where she would teach as fish. She tells me she met a wealthy business man. She quit her job to be a stay at home wife after they had a set of twins. At this point money was no object yet she would still somehow come across it. She would donate any money that was technically not hers as others needed it. From the sounds of it this women had a HUGE heart for people. She does not understand what set in that she took a turn for the worse mentally. She went into a very dark place when the children were 10. She ultimately took her own life