This vessel here is heavy. This is a spirit who literally watches every move in/around your house. Be ready for her to tell you maybe things you don’t want to hear. Her name is Tanya and she is a strong energy. Tanya was a lady from a very upscale area. She tells me her money was unlimited thanks to her husband and she took full advantage of that. I can’t put together what her husband did but apparently he had many enemies and she always had to be cautious. She had bodyguards 24/7. She could never have children in fear of their safety 😳. Instead Tanya spent her time tracking the world literally. She must not of had a great marriage because it seems her travels were always alone with the bodyguards and she loved every second of it. According to her we’d be surprised the way people lived their lives. Tanya seemed also to have a reputation of a prima Donna but she insists people judged her for their wealth. Nobody wanted to be her friend as this was just her reputation. Instead she gained friends abroad for when she traveled. Tanya made no secret of her money and this cost her life when she was mugged out of the country where it seemed this was planned. She insists that her bodyguards let it happen.