This lady here gives me the name Tooney. I must say to niche our lives a rough life she never did get a break. As a child she was raised by her father and uncle who both abused her physically and sexually. When she tried to run away the law did not side in her favor and she was placed back with these monsters. Tony tells me this abuse went on until she was 18. She ran awayWith a man 10 years her senior. She tells me he was very mentally unstable but it was better than the abuse she had suffered. Determined to keep her tied down he got her pregnant at age 19. She was blessed with two beautiful twin girls but sure not ready to be a mother. Once she had the children this man never seem to be around. When he was around she was not allowed to leave the house but instead cater to him. She says the children kept her occupied although she often didn’t have enough to provide for them. When one of the children drowned accidentally in the bathtub her life took A major turn. This man was out for revenge believing she did this On purpose. She tells me she passed away At the hands of this man. Sadly he did strangle her and now she’s extremely protective of those she loves.