Veras vessel is a tad larger. She is a great all around spirit. She not only is a telepathic that will manipulate in a positive way. She also likes to change the energy of a house when it seems to be consumed with negativity. Vera will quickly gain other spirits in your home trust. She has a tendency to make them get comfortable cell she can be a trigger when needed. Vera is from the late 1800’s. Her life was short while here but filled with more adventure than most normal people. She was married to a man 29 years her senior which caught ALOT of peoples attention. Most did not agree with this marriage but she insists it was love. They could not have children and she says it was not on her behalf. Her husband allowed Vera to live a VERY lavish life style. One of her hidden passions was seeking out anyone that had spiritual gifts or those that were considered evil. She thrived off this excitement and her husband didn’t mind even thought it was highly looked down upon. Vera barely saw her husband as she was always on the go. The friends she had back home was all for show, she just “entertained” them. Sadly Vera dropped dead one day for no appearance reason. It still is unknown why, she was only 26