Julia here is a very active lady. If activity scares you stay away because she does it randomly. She will startle you with her loud bangs just randomly. Her pitched laughs will have you doing a double take to see where it's coming from. Julia is 31 years old and was single. She had ADHD very bad and could never focus on much. Julia couldn't hold much things that required commitments.She has had over 110 jobs, 41 relationships and lost track of friends. Julia was always frustrated with her lack of ability to focus. It was a huge inconvenience in her life. Some when mistaken her for being mentally retarded. When Julia fell pregnant she knew it would be impossible for her to be a good mother. She could never kill an innocent child so she gave him up for adoption. She learned over the years he ended up in some pretty bad homes where he was abused him. Instead of facing this head on the gulf weighed heavy on her. She says the drinking began heavily and one night it went to the far and she never awoke.