Pete is a FUN spirit and would do good in anyones home. He likes you to believe and know spirits DO exist. He also makes him self right at home and part of the family. He is filled with activity this guy. He has a thing with my blinds of opening if I close. He also like me to put my porch light on because he can “see” better. It drives him nuts when I make my bed perfect and fix all the pillows so he will disorganize them on purpose. The things he does is cute and in no way will startle you. Pete also likes to have fun during investigation. His age is always changing. Better yet who he is also changes. He has told me he was a race car driver, a doctor, sailer, a pharmacist and even a scuba diver. Pete does tell me he never had children or even a relationship. Women didn’t give him the time of day but he’ll never discuss why. I do know he had a twin brother that he did not get along with because he was a arrogant ass$hole. Pwte has slipped up about living in tents with the homeless and sometime shelters. So I feel he generates these pipe dreams of who he wanted to be. He slipped up by telling me him and another bum got into a fight over the bag of clothes and blankets left there. It ended up taking a deadly run and Pete lost the battle.