This lovely spirit can bring all good things in your life. Her name is Magda and she is very old. I wish she would tell me HOW old but so far she hasn’t given me a whole lot of information, but she does say it was before cars. I get the feeling that she just doesn’t want to dwell on her death and the family she left behind. I have had Magda several years. she was given to me by a friend who never knew she was haunted and wanted to get rid of her doll collection. What I have been able to get from her so far is she was born and raised in England and died somewhat young around 32 or so. She died giving birth to her 4th child and deeply misses her family as she will always bring them. But even so Magda is still very happy, positive spirit to have around and helps her owner
In some of the most mysterious ways. Everywhere she goes with you good things seem to follow. Sometimes it’s a call from someone you have been missing, a job offer that you didn’t think you would get or money shows up when you really need it. I don’t know if I would classify her as luck spirit or a wish granter she is just her and awesome. One thing that Magda has made clear to me is how she LOVES music. She says that she used to play the piano for her husband and children all the time and was teaching her oldest how to play before she passed. I have traveled around with her and played the radio for her . she does not care for Rap but really seems to like Country music and Southern Rock – go figure… lol!