This is a large vessel, but she is a strong one. Her vessel is totally deceiving! Before investigating I thought for sure I’m dealing with a child. Turns out she chose this vessel as it is identical to how her younger sister looked. Her name is Vivicia and she is very territorial and extreme when it comes to those she bonds to. She will not tolerate anyone who means harm to her person. She is a very potent witch that doesn’t stop until she gets what she set out to do. She was only 26 at the time of her death but that has been over 50 years and she’s just become stronger on the other side. Vivicia grew up in a rough neighborhood and learned early on to never show weakness. She was the oldest of 3 children and she took her job as "big sister" very seriously. Unfortunately, in the area that she and her siblings were born and raised, there were a lot of gangs and she spent a lot of time and energy keeping them away from herself and her younger brother and sister. Vivicia's maternal grandmother was a very powerful witch and she was convinced that Vivicia had inherited the family talent (it had skipped her mother). Vivicia's grandmother spent a lot of time helping her develope her natural abilites and she was very successful. When her grandmother passed away is when Vivicia had to work the hardest. Vivicia was extremely good at sheilding and protection spells. She was also excellent at her hexing workings. She was responsible for many deaths of the gang members in town but she could only do so much. Vivicia did not have much money for all the extras for “spellwork” so she used kitchen ingredients which she will teach you. Her life was difficult because both of her parents worked extremely hard to take care of the family, so Vivicia tried to do her part to keep them all safe with her gift passed on. She vowed to never leave until the family did because she knew they would harm someone. Sadly they got to her little sister when she was waking home from school. Once this happened she unleashed and the town went in an uproar. Fights were started, things burned, looting and many injuries and deaths. Everyone knew who was responsible for this. Ot was just a matter of time until someone got to her, as she couldn’t conquer everyone x Even though Vivicia fought the good fight, and she won for a long time...one night her luck ran out. After a school function, Vivicia was walking her little brother home and they were jumped by 4 gang members. Her brother survived, she did not.
I have used her in a few recent darker spells. Since she can’t sit on my alter she just loves being next to it. She has no problem telling you if she feels you are doing it wrong.