Tiana is a small travel lady and just a very perky and positive lady. She’s great for a first time adopter as she’s looking for a companion. She is 22 years old and was a student. Never being good at school she had major setbacks. She calls herself the 5th year senior since she didn’t graduate with her class. Tiana lost her mother when she was 17 and was determined to make her
Proud. She had a dream of finding the cure for cancer. Never being able to get past the first part of college really out a damper on her big dreams. She kept borrowing more and more money to fulfill her dream. Before she knowledge it nobody would give her loans anymore so she had to quit. She was to discouraged to work after this. She would sit in her apartment and feel sorry for herself. It was just a dark cloud over her head. She believes her cause of passing was due to carbon dioxide but it doesn’t seem convincing.