Westy is a great spirit if you need help grounding and have trouble opening your third eye. She is one who will clear your mind completely to ground you which is very difficult. Westy is 31 years old and she never really gave this world (spirits) a second thought in her human life. She was a very good girl to say the least. She was raised in a very strict home and this remained with her. She was very successful in school and then ended up moving cross country to open her own business. She was a fashion designer. For how young she is her tracking experience is impressive. She wanted to always be on top of the new trends. Westy had a few relationships that didn’t last long as she refused to have pre marital sex. She very much played by the “book”. Westy never even had a alcoholic drink in her life (jealous). She kept very busy with her job and travels. Westy did pass away suddenly while she was abroad and it was from contaminated food. Now that she’s crossed her eyes have been opened to a WHOLE new world that she wished she’d given a second thought about.