White witch who also teaches

White witch who also teaches

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Marcella is a good spirit for people who need good realistic things to happen in their life. She is a white witch that manifest joyous things like money, jobs, luck and all things of good nature. Marcella is 22 and she was in school at the time of her death. She was in a stage where she wasn’t fully sure what she wanted with her life. She didn’t know what she wanted to do for work, didn’t No if she wanted children or marriage, she was even unsure about faith as she had mixed emotions. She never tells me how she damperd Into the world of witches but towards the end of her life she called her self a Pagan Because she found many similarities with her beliefs. Marcella Did a lot of candle magic and found her path to many things this way. I she was getting ready to graduate with a Biology degree And was hoping to continue and get a PhD. Her life was taken quickly when she was struck by a car while changing a flat tire.